Tuesday 26 January 2010

Thriller Film Planning

Shooting Schedule

Woodhall Farm Woodland Area

  • Close up of feet, tracking backwards on personal equipment
  • Long shot of boy walking through woods from in bushes

  • Point Of View shot of the boy watching his dog lets go of lead

  • Long shot of boy chasing dog

  • Medium long shot behind the boy chasing dog, dog stops boy crouches down

  • Close up of body's face, zoom to the eyes.

Location: Bathroom

  • Zoom out from eyes to show boy in bath (Rises from the water)

  • Medium shot boy choking over side of bath
  • Mid shot of boy drying his skin
  • Close up of hand turning on tap
  • Over shoulder shot of boy looking at himself in mirror

Location: Bedroom

  • Mid shot of boy walking from bathroom to bedroom

  • Long shot of boy walking across bedroom and laying down on bed

  • Close up of boys face laying on bed


Boy's Costume: Smart black trousers, formal footwear, grey hooded jumper supplied by actor.
In the bedroom scene, the shorts which are supplied by the actor himself.


Location one: Dog & Lead, and white sheet to conceal dead body
Location two: General bathroom items

Character profiles

Name: Michael Ellis
Age: 50
Occupation: Industry workerStereotype: Abused child
Description: At a young age Michael’s mum passed away which left his father as an only parent. Michael’s dad always blamed his wife’s death on his only son Michael. His dad was always aggressive towards him but his anger grew as life without his wife grew tough. Michael didn’t have any friends at school which meant he didn’t have any social abilities either, the only person he could speak to was his pet dog and his best friend, Harvey. Michael was often picked on at school due to not having a mum and being quiet.As time passed by Michael left school with minimal qualifications and his social abilities hadn’t progressed. His uncle (brother of his late mum) was an industry worker, running his own business. When Michael was able to work, his uncle offered him part time employment which kept him busy.

Name: Harvey
Age: 7
Occupation: Dog
Stereotype: Abused Dog
Description: Harvey is a seven year old black and tanned shih tsu. He was first bought by the Ellis family when he was just 13 weeks old. Harvey was never shown affection by his owners and was always treated badly. But Michael used to give him his full attention, letting him sleep on his bed at night and playing with him during the day.


[Michael is strolling through a wooded area with his dog Harvey, as Harvey begins to run off into light shrubbery]
[Harvey stands over his investigation and begins to bark]
[Michael kneels down next to the dog and mortifyingly stares at what his dog has found]
[Michael lays still in the bath - under the water - as he hears his dog barking from outside his bathroom door][He jumps up out of his bath, leans over the side of his bath and begins to choke himself to his senses]
[He dries himself and fills the sink with water, rinses his face and then leaves the bathroom. He then lays on his bed]


Main plot
Michael Ellis, was tormented and abused as a youth, this has led to psychological repercussions later on in life. At the bitter age of 50 with his wife, the mother of his one delinquent child, dead. An estate full of cold hearted arrogant thugs, pushed Michael past breaking point, he takes it upon himself to distribute fitting justice well beyond the grey areas of the penal code. As a kid he was systematically abused and was traumatised by finding a dead body of someone his own age. Later on in life seeing his own wife’s dead body finally pushes him over the edge.

Short Scene Plot
In this scene Michael is shown at a young age walking his dog through a wooded area, when his dog uncovers a dead body. Cautiously he approaches the body for a closer look and is mortified at what he has found. Michael wakes up in the bath to find he has blacked out when he had a flashback; he wakes up choking and shocked at this revelation.

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