Monday 23 November 2009

Luke Salmons - Continuity Task Planning

Small scene – To be filmed (brief)

Norman pushes open a set of double doors and storms through the police station corridor. As he turns the corner, his partner Shaun shouts from his office. Norman identifies the call and turns to face Shaun. The two continue to talk until Shaun shows Norman the evidence for their case.
The camera cuts as Norman makes his way to the interrogation room where he begins to talk to the two suspects separately.

Small scene - To be filmed (detailed)

(Fade in from previous scene)

The scene opens with Norman pushing open a set of double doors and walking through the police station corridor (medium-long shot – to focus on his actions such as, pushing the doors open and walking through the corridor).
As Norman turns the corner, his partner Shaun shouts from his office. (camera zooms into Normans face as he turns round to face Shaun).
Norman walk towards Shaun (as he does, it becomes an over the shoulder shot as Norman is standing in front of the camera. The camera is now a close up on Shaun). Shaun begins telling Norman that he thinks he has solved the case.
The camera cuts and films Shaun handing over ‘Exhibit A’ to
Norman as he reaches for it (close up of hands and exhibit a).
The camera cuts again and sees Norman walking into an interrogation room with his suspect sitting in a chair. Norman then walks off screen to the left to take his seat opposite his suspect (low angle long shot facing at the door which Norman enters).
The camera cuts and Norman is standing opposte his suspect (low angle medium shot/point of view shot).
Cut – It now focuses on Curtis (high angle medium shot)

Cut - It then cuts back to Norman (low angle medium shot).
Cut - then exhibit a is thrown onto the table (high angle medium shot) - (camera slowly zooms into Neville’s face to show emotion).
(Fade out)

Whole film plot summary

The main focus of the film is a young girl (Katie Marshall) and her death. She was a sixteen year old school girl who always has the boys as her second shadow.

The film begins with Katie and her friends at their secondary school in North London when Katie is called into the headmasters office (Neville Palmer) so he can give her a detention note for wearing a short skirt - which is against the school rules.

Later that day she is sat in detention with her headmaster where he approaches her in her chair from behind, places his hands around her mouth and whispers something disturbingly erotic in her ear. Katie luckily escapes and goes to the police about the incident. Neville Palmer loses his job as a head teacher and is imprisoned for 6 weeks.
Katie’s family decide to move from the area to another school in North London. Time passes by, in this time she had made new friends and even made a new boyfriend. A boy name
d Curtis Murphy, a convicted criminal for vandal, burglary and GBH.

Katie still managed to attract young boys, even whilst having a boyfriend which irritated Curtis as he was very protective over his girlfriend, so protective that he used to put her in her place by beating her. But one day Katie went to the police and Curtis was charged with GBH and since that day, neither Curtis or Katie shared a single word.

Six months into her new school life her head mistress was forced to quit her job due to a terminal illness, so the school decides to search for a new head.
Two weeks later a man named, “Mr. Neville Palmer” is addressed as the new head master of her school.
One day on the way home from school, Katie is mysteriously shot dead minutes from her home.
Chief Detective Inspector, Norman Jenkins and his partner Shaun Smith begin to research the case and decide to question two men. One being, Curtis Murphy and the other Neville Palmer.

After weeks of research, Forensics find a gun close to where Ka
tie was shot. Shaun is given the gun and shows Norman who later speaks to both suspects. He releases charges made on Curtis Murphy but charges Neville Palmer for the murder of Katie Marshall.  

Character profiles

Norman Jenkins
Age: 43
Occupation: Chief Detective Inspector
Description: Norman is a Detective Inspector originated from Ghana. He has dark hair and dark eyes. He is an intelligent married man who carries a temper. His life is mainly work orientated but he is also a family man with two children and a wife.

Name: Shaun Smith
Age: 34
Occupation: Detective Inspector
Description: Shaun is Normans partner. He is British with light hair and blue eyes. He lacks common sense and is a bit of a push over.

Name: Neville Palmer
Age: 46
Occupation: Headmaster
Description: Neville is a divorced man (British). He
was a head master of a secondary school in London. He lost his job due to accusations of sexual harassment by Katie. He is a sly/intelligent man with a sex addiction.

Name: Curtis Murphy
Age: 21
Occupation: Unemployed
Description: Curtis is Katie Marshall’s ex-boyfriend (British). He is well built, and always wears a gold medallion around his neck. Curtis is cons
idered the ‘thug’ of his neighbourhood. He is a gang member and has been arrested several times, for several different incidents - once for GBH on Katie Marshall. He also has a scar on his left cheek.

Name: Katie Marshall
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Description: Katie is a popular, pretty girl at her school. Sh
e has plenty of friends and is rarely alone. She got her head master sacked for sexual harassment. She has dark hair and dark eyes with a slim figure.

Setting description and props

Setting One: The first setting is a police station corridor. The entrance to the hallway is via a set of double doors which Norman walks through. The hallway isn’t very wide, with offices either side. As Norman is walking through and whilst he’s talking to Shaun, phones ring from in the offices. There are bulletins and sheets of paper stapled onto the walls The props used are ‘exhibit a’ which is a plastic bag containing a pistol.

Setting Two:
The second setting is a police interrogation roo
m The room is plane with a table located in the centre of the room In the room is a large mirror which is behind the table on the wall. The props used in will be a glass of water on the table, exhibit a and a brief case.


[Norman pushes open a set of double doors and storms through the corridor when he is stopped by a shout from Chris - medium shot from behind Norman]

Shaun: (Excitedly)
Hey, Norm!

[Duncan turns round to face Shaun - Low angle, medium
close up]
Duncan: (Sighs)
What is it, Shaun?
[Over the shoulder shot - medium close up of Chris]

Shaun: (Excitedly)
I think we’ve smashed the case!

[Camera cuts to a close up of Chris handing over exhibit a to Norman]

We found this, two blocks from where Katie was murdered, forensics have analysed it and we found out who it belongs to…

[Camera cuts to Norman walking into the interrogation room with Neville sitting on one side of the table to the left of the room - Norman walks off screen to the left and stands on the opposite of the table - Camera switches to a low angle medium shot of Norman]

I’m going to get this over quickly… you’re free to go

[Camera moves to a high angle medium close up of Curtis s
itting in his chair, as he stands up from his chair the camera tilts down to Curtis‘ level - Camera now cuts to Norman - low angle medium shot]

But the bad news is, we found this two blocks from where Katie was killed… It has your finger prints all over it Neville.

[Camera changes - high angle point of view shot of Neville and exhibit a being thrown onto the table - the camera then zooms into Neville’s face]


Shooting Schedule

Location one - Police station corridor
Camera angle one - Medium long shot of Norman pushing open a set of double doors
Camera angle two - Medium close up of Norman turning round to face Shaun

Camera angle three - Over the shoulder of Norman - Medium close up of Shaun
Camera angle four - Close up of Shaun handing over 'exhibit a' to Norman

Location two - Interrogation room
Camera angle five - Long shot of Norman walking through the door
Camera angle six - Low angle medium shot of Norman
Camera angle seven - High angle medium shot of Curtis
Camera angle eight - Low angle medium shot of Norman
Camera angle nine - Close up of 'exhibit a' being thrown onto table - Camera tilts to reveal Neville

Reflection on filming process

- What went well?

I was really pleased with both locations as they were exactly what i had in mind before i started filming, i also think each camera angle worked just the way i planned.

- What did not go so well?

I didnt have very long to record mine so i didnt get to have as many takes of each shot as i would of liked.

- What happened that you did not expect?

Whilst recording the scene in the corridor, the school bell went and students were walking in and out of the cantine via the corridor i was filming in which made it difficult to film the scene.

- As a result of this exercise, what will you be sure to do when you film your thriller?

I will be sure to plan thoroughly so i have a better understanding of my final piece.

I will start recording at an earlier time giving me more time to alter the scenes and manipulate camera positions.

I listened to other peers opinions to improve the outcome of my filming which helped, so i will be sure to take advice next time too.

I will make sure I have enough people to occupy each role that is needed, i.e sound, lighting, acting ect. So as not to rush and compromise the quality of the video.

Evidence of editing my video

Below is a screen shot, giving evidence of me editing my video.

Peer assessments

Below are four of my peer assessments on my preliminary video.

My Preliminary Video

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