Tuesday 8 December 2009

Production Log

Production Log

Luke Salmons - I have typed up and added the textual analysis tables and golden rules of thriller films.

October: Luke Salmons - I have designed two timelines which show the chronological order of two film openings; Reservoir Dogs and Halloween, these timelines also contain video footage.

November: Luke Salmons - We were set homework, to find the top 5 thriller films and find reviews on each one. I completed this homework and have also added it into the Genre Textual Analysis section.

November: William Hutchon - I have uploaded my preliminary planning to date, including storyboards.

November: Luke Salmons - I have also completed two tables which contain the denotations and connotations of four different thriller openings. I have scanned these in and uploaded them to the General Textual Analysis section.

November: Luke Salmons - I have uploaded my preliminary task planning including plot summary, script, shooting schedule, character profiles and my reflection on the filming process. All that needs to be added is the story boarding and my final video.

November: William Hutchon - I have uploaded the storyboards, the mise en scene and the little sections in the genre research like characters themes and sound.

December: Luke Salmons & William Hutchon - We both worked together to complete the Codes and Conventions work. We have uploaded all elements of a thriller film to this section including Mise-en-scéne.

December: William Hutchon - I have uploaded a screen shot of me editing my final cut for the video onto my preliminary task section under the heading "Preliminary Video Editing" and have taken the opportunity to put a short line of text to explain what the picture is of.

January: William Hutchon & Luke Salmons - We have uploaded our audience research questionnaires including the quantitative and qualitative answers data shown in graphs form.

January 24th: Luke Salmons - I have finally uploaded my storyboards to my blog, this has been delayed due to not being emailed in time. Because of this i had to scan them in my free time.

January 25th: Luke Salmons & William Hutchon - William scanned the questionnaires onto his memory stick and Luke uploaded one questionnaire that has been filled out and uploaded it to our Audience Research post.

January 25th: Luke Salmons & William Huthchon - We both completed our shooting schedule, our costumes and our props for our group thriller task. All three have been uploaded in a new post.

March 9th: William Hutchon - I have edited the video based on the constructive critisism of Miss Palmquist, and have shortened certain scenes, decided that new things need to be added to make it longer, and have storyboarded theses scenes. I have also added transitions and credits to the existing video.

March 11th: Luke Salmons - I have created some original music to fit the genre of the film.

March 16th: William Hutchon - I have storyboarded the additional scenes that need to be filmed to make the video longer.

March 20th: Luke Salmons & William Hutchon - We have filmed additional scenes to be added the video.

March 23rd: William Hutchon & Luke Salmons - We have further edited the video and added extra footage needed to extend the video length and have met with Miss Palmquist to see what else needs to be added the video and have further planned a reshoot of a scene. I have also added extra sound and music the video.

March 25th: Luke Salmons - I have designed a logo for our original production company and inserted it into the video.

March 28th: Luke Salmons - I have uploaded a couple of pictures to the Thriller Film Planning post showing locations of filming, costumes and innovative ideas.

March 29th: Luke Salmons - I have finally uploaded evidence of me editing my preliminary video to my own individual post.

March 29th: Luke Salmons - I have organised certain posts accordingly to perfect the overall presentation of the blog.
March 31st: William Hutchon - I have uploaded the final re-filmed part of the video, and have improved upon the transitions such as the super-imposition in both examples of this within the video.

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